Geography of Chile

"Virginia is for Lovers" campaign introduced how Virginia has many different regions to enjoy. Mountains, beaches, cities, as well as country sides. I feel like this can also be applied to Chile. 

Chile is a slender country located on the south west coast of South American. On the eastern part of Chile are the Andes Mountains, separating Chile from Argentina, and on the west is the Pacific Ocean. The northern part of Chile, known as the norte grande , is where the Atacama Desert is located. Isabel Allende, as well as both videos mentions that the Norte Grande has a plethora of minerals, mostly copper which is found deep into the soil. In fact, Allende mentioned that this region of Chile has the worlds largest open-pit copper mine. She also mentions how, when it does rain, there are lush fields of flowers which she compares to a Monet painting. It's hard to envision this, but the Geography Now! video really put this into perspective and showed pictures of the Atacama Desert covered in flowers. 

Allende then talks about Norte Chico, 'The little north." This region wasn't talked much about in either videos, but it is still important. This region separates the dry north from the central zone. In this region there is the valley of Equi. This valley attracts many people due to it said to be a magical and spiritual place. This is also where pisco, a liquor made from the muscatel grape, comes from. The Norte Chico also where the La Silla is located. The La Silla is an observatory that is one of the best due to Chile's skies being so clear. The clear skies are mentioned in the video Chile Land of Geographic Extremes.

The central area of Chile is the Valle Central. This is where apple orchards and vineyards are located as well as industrialization which each video and Allende talks about.  This is also where Santiago is located, where Allende says everything in Chile is centralized at. 

The Zona Sur is the southern region of Chile. This area has forests, lakes, mountains, volcanoes, and lots of rain. In the Chile Land of Geographic Extremes video they mention that the rain here travels to the northern parts of Chile, giving life to the land there. In the Geography Now! video it mentions how you can only dive to the middle of this region. If you want to go more south you have to take boats or fly. This is because, as Allende mentions, how harsh and bitter the weather is there, as well as there are hundreds of islands on the most southern parts of Chile.

Personally, maybe it's because I am an English Major, I think it's interesting how many poets come from Chile. I feel like they are effected by Chile's eclectic geography and nature to impact their writing. I also find it fascinating how Chileans aren't concerned with earthquakes. If I was in an earthquake, I would probably freak out and not remember anything that you are "supposed to do" while an earthquake is happening. 


  1. I agree that it's really cool how popular poetry is in Chile! Also, earthquakes seem so scary! It's amazing how the Chileans just expect it in their everyday life and aren't even bothered! They are still able to function there and live safely!


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